The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held in the clubhouse on Saturday 4 June 2022, commencing at 10 am.
All financial members of the club are able to attend and vote. Anybody considering membership is also invited to attend.
Tea or coffee will be served from 9:30 am.
An agenda and reports will be sent to members on or before Friday 7 May 2022. If you have any motions or other business you wish to have added to the agenda, please advise me by email by 5pm on Friday 30 April 2022.
Nominations for office are now called for the 2022-23 year
Nominations for election must be in the hands of the Secretary, John Stevens, by 5 pm on Wednesday 4 May 2022. See the bottom of this article for a link to the nomination form.
The signed form may be delivered by hand to a committee member, or emailed to John Stevens. If emailed, the original signed copy must be handed to the Secretary before the commencement of the AGM. The current President and Captain have served a one-year term and and are eligible for re-election. All other committee members are eligible for re-election.
Please note you must be a financial member to vote, propose, second or stand for office.
Positions to be elected: President, Treasurer, Vice President, Captain, Secretary, Committee members (7), Match Committee members (3).
John Stevens
Article added: Tuesday 19 April 2022
Kelburn Park, 65 Salamanca Road,
Wellington, New Zealand
Enquiries - kelburnmcc@gmail.com