Tributes flow at 2023 Annual General Meeting

Our members braved torrential rain today to attend our Annual General Meeting and pay tribute to club officers and committee members who were retiring after many years of service. 

We paid tribute to Mary Stevens, retiring President, John Stevens, retiring Secretary, Caroline Townsend Green (absent), retiring Treasurer, and Pat Wiffin, retiring committee member. 

Incoming President Mary Egley gave a speech of thanks to the outgoing committee members, and presentations were made in appreciation of their service. 

Jim Brough was elected Secretary and John Corsham as Treasurer. Lesley Meadows, Alison Melling and Denise Ongley joined the committee.

The meeting adopted the reports presented, and approved recommendations that the membership fees remain unchanged; that a printed member-only directory be published which lists those members who give explicit approval; and that fees for winter play be $60 for the winter season or $10 a time. 

The Match Committee will meet on 12 August to review playing dates, times, tournaments and competitions for the coming season. Joan Keate spoke in support of Sunday play, which had been mentioned by members in the survey earlier this year.


Below: The three Presidents: incoming President Mary Egley, with retiring President Mary Stevens and past-President John Stevens.


Article added: Saturday 27 May 2023


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