Our itinerant member Scott Wilson reports from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, where a 14-minute cycle ride puts him at the Caloundra Croquet club, which they call a “Mallet Club” as they play gateball as well.
The club has six lawns, a very good surface, a nearly full-time maintenance man, and about 70 members.
They are, "Very welcoming people, lots of similarities to us. Biggest differences, they have morning tea outside even in winter, jump shots all year round. Just teasing!"
Scott has been playing at the Caloundra club three days a week but has also recently been on a dive trip to PNG where "Ocean water temp around 30C, water clarity like gin, fish life prolific, corals magnificent."
(Sigh, Ed.)
Article added: Tuesday 20 June 2023
Kelburn Park, 65 Salamanca Road,
Wellington, New Zealand
Enquiries - kelburnmcc@gmail.com